Cancel Reject


From DriveWealth to client

All new order messages have MsgType<35> = 9.

A Cancel Reject is sent whenever a Cancel Request or Cancel/Replace Request cannot be accepted.

Supported fields

TagField nameReq'dDescription
11ClOrdIdYReflection of the ClOrdId<11> from the Cancel Request
37OrderIdYThe OrderId<37> that represents the order when receiving an Execution Report
39OrdStatusYThe current status of the order, which was unaffected by the failed Cancel Request. See possible values in Execution Report
41OrigClOrdIdYReflection of the OrigClOrdId<41> from the Cancel Request
58TextNReason why the request could not be satisfied
60TransactTimeYThe time this cancel request was initiated/released by the client system. GMT date/time in millisecond resolution or better
434CxlRejResponseToYIdentifies the type of request that a Cancel Reject is in response to.

Supported values:
1 = Cancel Request
2 = Cancel/Replace Request