Execution Report


From DriveWealth to client

All execution report messages have MsgType<35> = 8.

DW sends execution reports of the following types:

  • Rejected if the order could not be accepted into the system due to unsupported fields, unrecognized symbols, or invalid field values
  • Accepted (“New”) once the order has been accepted into the application
    Partial Fill after an execution with remaining quantity
  • Fill after an execution with no remaining quantity
  • Canceled if the remaining execution quantity of the order is canceled. This may happen due to order validation, market conditions, manual intervention, end-of-market day, or a system error.

Supported fields

TagField nameReq'dDescription
6AvgPriceN*Average price in dollars per share of all fills on this order

*Set on execution reports with filled quantities
11ClOrdIdYReflection of the ClOrdId of the New Order, Cancel Request, or Cancel / Replace Request message.
14CumQtyN*Total number of shares filled on this order
17ExecIdYDW-generated unique ID of the execution report. Example: 1803468687151267841
19ExecRefIdN*For busts, the ExecId<17> of the fill being busted
20ExecTransTypeYSupported values:
0 = New (i.e. new execution report)
1 = Cancel (Bust)
31LastPriceN*The price in dollars per share of the most recent fill

*Set on execution reports with at least one fill
32LastSharesN*The number of shares of the most recent fill

*Set on execution reports with at least one fill
37OrderIdYDay-unique, cross-line unique ID of the order generated by DriveWealth.
38OrderQtyYReflected from the order request.
39OrdStatusYStatus of the order: same value range as ExecType<150>
40OrdTypeYReflected from the order request.
41OrigClOrdIdN*The previous ClOrdId of the order.

*Required for responses to Cancel Requests and Canceled messages.
44PriceNReflected from the order request.
54SideYReflected from the order request.
55SymbolYReflected from the order request.
58TextNText description may be provided on some execution reports.
59TimeInForceYReflected from the order request.
60TransactTimeYThe time the execution report was initiated by the DW system. GMT date/time in millisecond resolution or better
63SettlementTypeNReflected from the order request.
65SymbolSfxNReflected from the order request.
99StopPxNReflected from the order request.
137MiscFeeAmtNSent on the final message on an order, such as fully filled or Partial then Canceled
139MiscFeeTypeNSet to 1 (Regulatory) when tag 137 is set
150ExecTypeYThe type of execution report.

Supported values:
0 = Accepted (“New”)
1 = Partial Filled
2 = Filled
3 = Done for Day
4 = Canceled
5 = Replaced
6 = Pending Cancel**
8 = Rejected
E = Pending Replace**

**Not enabled by default. DriveWealth can configure upon request.
151LeavesQtyYAmount of shares open for further execution. Will be 0 for cancels or rejects. For fills, LeavesQty<151> = OrderQty<38> - CumQty<14>
152CashOrderQtyNReflected from the order request.