Deposit Status


Status Number vs. Status Enum

"Status Number" should be referenced when retrieving (GET) all deposits requests. "Status Enum" should only be used when updating (PATCH) a deposit request.

Status DescriptionStatus NumberStatus Enum
Started0"STARTED"Deposit has been initiated.
Pending1"PENDING"Every new deposit for a self-directed account is set to "Pending". From here, the deposit can be marked as "Rejected", "On Hold" or "Approved".
Successful2"SUCCESSFUL"A Deposit has been successfully processed and completed.
Failed3"FAILED"The Deposit was unable to be completed.
Approved14"APPROVED"Once marked as "Approved", the deposit will be processed.
Rejected15"REJECTED"Updating a deposit to "Rejected" will immediately set it's status to "Failed".
On Hold16"ON_HOLD"Status is reserved for deposits that are not ready for processing.
Returned5"RETURNED"A deposit is marked as returned if DriveWealth receives notification from our bank that the deposit had failed.
Unknown-1Reserved for errors.