Displaying prices and information
Asset details
Every asset on the DriveWealth platform has associated fundamental and general information data. These data points can allow investors to make more informed decisions, or help platforms ingest typical asset components such as a company logo.
Data updates
Most fundamental data is updated on a daily basis and should be stored in cache to limit the total number of requests to the instrument's endpoint. General information such as logo and prospectus links that do not update frequently can be stored for longer.
Data is retrieved through the instruments endpoint, requiring an already stored instrumentID
. Please note instrumentID
βs are different between DriveWealth environments.
Upon a successful request, the API returns point in time quote information for the requested symbol. A Partner should expect the following data within a successful response:
"symbol": "AAPL",
"reutersPrimaryRic": "AAPL.O",
"name": "Apple, Inc.",
"description": "Apple Inc. designs, manufactures and markets mobile communication and media devices, personal computers and portable digital music players. The Company sells a range of related software, services, accessories, networking solutions, and third-party digital content and applications. The Company's segments include the Americas, Europe, Greater China, Japan and Rest of Asia Pacific. The Americas segment includes both North and South America. The Europe segment includes European countries, India, the Middle East and Africa. The Greater China segment includes China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The Rest of Asia Pacific segment includes Australia and the Asian countries not included in the Company's other operating segments. Its products and services include iPhone, iPad, Mac, iPod, Apple Watch, Apple TV, a portfolio of consumer and professional software applications, iPhone OS (iOS), OS X and watchOS operating systems, iCloud, Apple Pay and a range of accessory, service and support offerings.",
"sector": "Technology",
"longOnly": true,
"orderSizeMax": 10000,
"orderSizeMin": 1e-8,
"orderSizeStep": 1e-8,
"exchangeNickelSpread": false,
"close": 0,
"fundamentalDataModel": {
"instrumentID": "a67422af-8504-43df-9e63-7361eb0bd99e",
"symbol": "AAPL",
"companyName": "APPLE INC",
"openPrice": 207.86,
"bidPrice": 204.74,
"askPrice": 204.75,
"lowPrice": 203.53,
"highPrice": 208.55,
"fiftyTwoWeekLowPrice": 142,
"fiftyTwoWeekHighPrice": 233.47,
"cumulativeVolume": 16934795,
"marketCap": 915766600000,
"peRatio": 17.9371,
"dividendYield": 1.4916,
"earningsPerShare": 11.5119,
"dividend": 3.08,
"sharesOutstanding": 4515829802,
"timeLastUpdate": "19:37:00",
"bookValuePerShare": "22.53361",
"cashFlowPerShare": "14.38949",
"operatingIncome": "72903000000",
"pbRatio": "9.51980",
"volumeMovingAverage10Day": 30891720,
"volumeMovingAverage25Day": 31570250,
"volumeMovingAverage50Day": 26449505,
"priceMovingAverage50Day": 203.529,
"priceMovingAverage150Day": 191.2912,
"priceMovingAverage200Day": 185.6304,
"roe": "0.5062"
"id": "a67422af-8504-43df-9e63-7361eb0bd99e",
"type": "EQUITY",
"exchange": "NSQ",
"url": "http://investor.apple.com",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"exchangeThresholdOverride": null,
"houseThresholdOverride": null,
"closePrior": 206.49,
"image": "http://syscdn.drivewealth.net/images/symbols/aapl.png"
For assets such as mutual funds and ETFs certain data may be unavailable as they do not relate to funds. This could include earningsPerShare
and peRatio
Logo query parameters
Every logo allows for customization through hosting on imgix. For example, to render a logo and adjust its size, itβs possible to add
to the image URL.
Quotes and prices
DriveWealth offers three different options for retrieving the prices of assets:
Market data option | Coverage | Price | Typical use |
Referential Feed | Equities (listed, core session, includes OTC), Crypto | Per customer, per month | Display data prior to and on execution for non-US Partners / Customers |
Consolidated Exchange Feed | Equities (listed, core+extended sessions) | Per request | Display data prior to a customer submitting a trade, and prior to its execution |
15 Minute Delayed Feed | Equities (listed, core session) | Free | Watchlist and symbol searches |
A user must first be successfully created in order for a customer to be shown the market data. This is required because DriveWealth has a reporting requirement to the exchanges for who is accessing the data.
All market data endpoints require that the userID
of the customer who is being provided the quote is passed as a parameter within the header of the API call being made; as shown below.
GET /back-office/quotes/AAPL
dw-customer-user-id: {userID}
Upon a successful request, the API returns point in time quote information for the requested symbol.
"symbol": "AAPL",
"bid": 208.94,
"ask": 208.96,
"lastTrade": 208.95,
"change": 3.24,
"open": 208.39,
"high": 208.95,
"low": 207.32,
"close": 0,
"priorClose": 205.7,
"volume": 9663099,
"marketCondition": "NORMAL",
"dataProvider": "BATS"
Storing data
DriveWealth does not allow redistribution or non display of market data, meaning: partners may not store any data received for further use within their infrastructure.
Youβll notice above that there are multiple numbers that can be used to represent the single βpriceβ of a security. For most assets, these 3 values are important in different contexts:
β Shown at the time when a sale is being contemplated by customerask
β Shown at the time when a buy is being contemplated by the customerlastTrade
β Displayed as a primary price of the asset elsewhere in the experience
US-regulated firms are required to show additional data points at certain points of the investing experience based on local regulations. Notice that when requesting a quote from the Consolidated Data Feed, additional values like the reporting exchanges and bid/ask volume are returned:
"symbol": "AAPL",
"bid": 170.6,
"ask": 170.62,
"open": 170.4,
"high": 170.95,
"low": 169.16,
"timeOffset": 1544627364231,
"volume": 6259019,
"askSize": 4,
"bidSize": 3,
"change": 1.99,
"lastTradeExchange": "DA",
"bestBidExchange": "Q",
"bestAskExchange": "BT",
"lastTrade": 170.62,
"lastTradeSize": 100,
"marketCondition": "NORMAL",
"tradeCount": 39169,
"close": 0,
"priorClose": 168.63
Updated over 1 year ago