This quickstart describes how to get up and running with DriveWealth's REST API. The following sections provide a hello world example demonstrating how to make a stock purchase within an omnibus account:
- Generate an Authentication Token.
- Fund the account
- Make a Trade
Before you begin, ensure you have your DriveWealth client app key (dw-client-app-key
Idempotency-Key Header
Many of DriveWealth's APIs can take in an optional Idempotency-Key
header. An Idempotency-Key
is a unique ID that you create (e.g. using a GUID generation tool) to uniquely identify a request.
Should the request fail or be interrupted, you can retry the request with the same Idempotency-Key
header value for up to four days.
Requests should never be unconditionally retried, as failing to receive a response does not necessarily mean that DriveWealth is not receiving and responding. We recommend an exponential backoff or similar pattern of retries, before switching to failover procedures, such as:
Issue request at time T.
Retry 1: T + 1 second
Retry 2: T + 3 seconds
Retry 3: T + 10 seconds
Retry 4: T + 30 seconds
For more information see Idempotent Requests.
Generate an Authentication Token
An authentication token is required for your client app to make requests with our API on behalf of the end user. Once generated, this token must be included when invoking each subsequent DriveWealth REST endpoint in your app.
Auth Request
Follow the steps below to generate an authentication token:
- (Optional) Generate or create a unique Idempotency-Key value.
- Invoke POST
and pass in the following:- For the header:
- Idempotency key as the Idempotency-Key (optional)
- Client app ID as the
- For the body:
- User's name as the username field
- User’s password as the password field
- Set
to 4.
- For the header:
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'dw-client-app-key: 69204e73-561d-4...' \
--data '{"clientID": "0oa5rc70..","clientSecret": "fr2k5wntp..."}'
Auth Response
The authToken
field in the response contains the generated authentication token:
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": "3600",
"access_token": "eyJraWQiOiJjY1lyLVRDUTZBR0w5OWl3TTFyMjAwWlNSdnI0dVBCZ3QxZU42eDhyRVVrIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.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.p3fspVtifQ_Gr4K3pi5fTorCBrcuVkRxk-yNLANgiKvl3t0BKraMT7_Y8c8opsKmNUwLS2K3YlBA0vrskzxeacWtEDx_JGtz_zKS_GXWTPDNNd77Zy0P6vfNfDjc_Hbzpp90dAICrTwvrcihNbyLeL3Zq7LisGpDkYtdxwB73AHtU6qIQvPY-iYaWBLfJ9IZrTTNWd5Qqy8ICJNunrS5riD2O3o4idyzMoUnFimUAoiAwgqtSOh4Loe57kPQsCgNRoba0zbnXKNd0eyMHCCdM0BXW_uhyJIfdGUXVzCcg9k_G80sWnefTeitwdX0S657vKHTjyLsGJSc06ZggGdlag",
"scope": "all_trader"
You will use the generated authToken
in the sections below to make requests on behalf of the user in your client app.
Note: Funding is not specific to omnibus accounts. Your exact funding method may be different from this quickstart guide.
Fund the Account**
For this quickstart, use POST /back-office/funding/deposits
to instantly fund the user's DriveWealth brokerage account:
Funding Request
Invoke POST /back-office/funding/deposits
and pass in the following:
For the headers:
Authentication token
Idempotency key (optional)
Client app ID
For the body:
accountNo of the omnibus DriveWealth brokerage account
Funding details including amount, currency, and type
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer :authToken' \
--header 'dw-client-app-key: f988...' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"accountNo": "ZBG...",
"amount": 500,
"currency": "USD",
"note": "Some money for funding"
Funding Response
The id field in the response identifies the funding request:
"id": "ZBCB000...",
"accountNo": "ZBC...",
"category": "DEPOSIT",
"currency": "USD",
"amount": 500,
"status": {
"id": 1,
"message": "Pending",
"updated": "2022-04-26T17:56:25.295Z"
"source": {
"brand": "Instant funding",
"meta_info": "Some money for funding"
"created": "2022-04-26T17:56:25.295Z",
"accountID": "261fb...",
"userID": "261fb...",
"transactionCode": "JOURNAL",
"wlpFinTranTypeID": "f197...",
"batch": true,
"account_number": "ZBG..."
Make a Trade
Everything is now set up and your client app can now make a trade on behalf of the user. The following subsections show how to:
- Purchase a Stock
- Verify the Trade Order
- The POST /back-office/orders endpoint is used to buy and sell stocks.
Trade Request
Invoke POST /back-office/orders
and pass in the following:
- Values generated from Create a DriveWealth Brokerage Account:
- The user's linked bank account number in the bankAccountNumber body field.
- DriveWealth account number in the accountNo body field.
- The remaining body fields to specify the order details.
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer :authToken' \
--header 'dw-client-app-key: f988...' \
--header 'Idempotency-Key: 175bf...' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
Trade Response
The orderID field uniquely identifies the order and can be used in subsequent requests (e.g. to Verify the Trade Order). The orderNo field is a user-friendly order identifier that you can display to the user:
"orderID": "EF.418a55...",
"orderNo": "EFXM000103"
Verify Trade Request
Invoke GET /back-office/orders/{order-id}
to check the status of stock purchase.
Pass the orderID generated in the previous section in the {order-id} path parameter:
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer :authToken' \
--header 'dw-client-app-key: f988...' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'
Verify Trade Response
The status field in the response provides the current state of the order. In this example the value is FILLED, indicating that the stock has been successfully purchased:
"id": "GB.703...",
"orderNo": "EFXM000103",
"type": "MARKET",
"side": "BUY",
"status": "FILLED",
"symbol": "VTI",
"averagePrice": 16.07,
"totalOrderAmount": 10,
"cumulativeQuantity": 0.92304,
"quantity": 0.92304,
"amountCash": 1500,
"fees": 0.01,
"createdBy": "cc07f9...",
"userID": "3bfdb8...",
"accountID": "cc07f91...",
"accountNo": "DWRW000001",
"created": "2019-02-14T18:56:07.411Z"
Updated over 1 year ago