
DriveWealth uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request.

  • Codes in the 200 range indicate success.
  • Codes in the 400 range indicate a failure given the information provided.
  • Codes in the 500range indicate an error with the DriveWealth servers (very uncommon).

In the occurrence of 4xx response code, DriveWealth will provide a JSON error code message that briefly explains the error.

Each API request has an associated request identifier. You can find this value in the response headers, under dw-request-id. You should log this identifier as you would any other API response.

Error Code Reference Tables

Account Errors

Error CodeError ResponseError Description
A010ACCOUNT_MISSING_PARAMETERA required parameter is missing or invalid in the request body.
A011ACCOUNTID_MISSING_INVALIDA required accountID is missing or invalid.
A012ACCOUNTNO_MISSING_INVALIDA required accountNo is missing or invalid.
A013ACCOUNT_DATERANGE_MISSING_INVALIDA required date range is missing or invalid.
A015 ACCOUNT_INVALID_USER_TYPEThe given type of account cannot be created for the given user.
A020ACCOUNT_BAD_COMBINATION_PARAMETEROne or more parameters in the given combination are missing or invalid.
A035ACCOUNT_MISSING_USER_PARAMETERUnable to create account due to missing field(s) on the user.
A044ACCOUNT_CASH_TRANSFER_INVALID_AMOUNTThe amount of the cash to be transferred is missing or invalid.
A045ACCOUNT_TRANSFER_MISSING_COMMENTThe comment of this transfer is missing.
A047ACCOUNT_CASH_TRANSFER_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDSThere is insufficient cash in the account to complete a transfer.
A050 ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUNDThe account you were trying to retrieve was not found.
A051ACCOUNT_RESTRICTEDAccount has been restricted.
A055 ACCOUNT_INVALID_OPERATIONThe requested operation cannot be performed on this account.
A062ACCOUNT_CASH_TRANSFER_FROM_FAILURETransferring cash from this account has failed.
A063ACCOUNT_CASH_TRANSFER_TO_FAILURETransferring cash to this account has failed.
A065ACCOUNT_CASH_TRANSFER_OUTSIDE_MMWTransferring cash outside money movement window is not permitted.
A071ACCOUNT_NOT_HOUSE_ACCOUNTThe account is not a house account.
A072ACCOUNT_INVALID_RIAThe user account does not belong to the given RIA.
A100ACCOUNT_ERRORThere was an error in retrieving the account.

ACAT Errors

(Automated Customer Account Transfer)

Error CodeError ResponseError Description
AC001ACATS_BAD_SYMBOL_REQUESTACATs Request rejected because Symbols are not available
AC002ACATS_INPUT_INVALIDInput(s) invalid
AC003ACATS_REQUEST_ALREADY_SUBMITTEDRequest has been already submitted.

Beneficiary Errors

Error CodeError ResponseError Description
B001BENEFICIARIES_ACCOUNT_ERRORBeneficiaries account request failed.
B050BOD_NOT_FOUNDUnable to generate BOD summary. Contact administrator.

Commission Errors

Error CodeError ResponseError Description
C010COMMISSION_NO_COMMISSION_IDNo commissions set for current BackOffice user. Contact administrator to get a commission schedule.

Document Errors

Error CodeError ResponseError Description
D001DOCUMENT_TOO_LARGEDocument is too large to upload. Please resize your document.
D011DOCUMENT_INVALID_CONTENT_TYPEContent type not accepted.
D050DOCUMENT_NOT_FOUNDThe document you were trying to retrieve was not found.
D100DOCUMENT_ERRORThere was an error in retrieving the document.
D200DOCUMENT_APPROVEDDocument has been Approved.
D201DOCUMENT_PENDINGDocument approval is Pending.
D202DOCUMENT_REJECTEDDocument has been Rejected.
D203DOCUMENT_NOT_SUBMITTEDDocument has not been submitted for approval.
D204DOCUMENT_UPLOAD_DENIEDUser does not have permission to upload Document. Please check your User Status for more information.
D205DOCUMENT_UNKNOWNDocument is unknown.

Request Errors

Error CodeError ResponseError Description
E005STALE_REQUESTRequest date header too old.
E006FUTURE_REQUESTRequest date header is in the future.
E010NO_REQUEST_BODYNo request body provided.
E015UNSUPPORTED_FORMATUnsupported Format.
E020DUPLICATE_VALUEValue Exists Already.
E025BAD_REQUESTInvalid or badly formatted request.
E030BAD_MISSING_PARAMETERS_URLInvalid or missing parameters in the request URL.
E031BAD_MISSING_PARAMETERS_URL_BODY Invalid or missing parameters in the request URL or body.
E032BAD_MISSING_PARAMETERS_BODYInvalid or missing parameters in the request body.
E033INVALID_PARAMETER_BODYInvalid parameter in message body.
E035INVALID_ACTION_BODYInvalid action in message body.
E040BAD_COMBINATION_PARAMETERS_URLA combination of two or more parameters in the URL is missing or invalid.
E050NOT_FOUNDThe resource you were trying to retrieve was not found.
E075DUPLICATE_REQUESTThe action you are trying to perform is a duplicate.
E090REQUIRED_PARAMETER_MISSINGA required parameter needed to maintain state is missing.
E099ERROR_UNKNOWNOops! Something went wrong in processing your request. Please contact support.
E100ERRORThere was an error in processing your request.
E101ERROR_IDEMPOTENT_REQUEST_RETRYMaximum retry attempt limit of 5 has been reached. Please contact support.

Header Errors

Error CodeError ResponseError Description
H050HEADER_APP_KEY_NOT_FOUNDClient App Key header not found. Contact tech support if you do not have an app key.
H055HEADER_APP_KEY_INVALIDClient App Key header invalid. Contact tech support.
H060HEADER_AUTH_TOKEN_NOT_FOUNDAuth token header not found. Log in first to obtain an auth token.
H065HEADER_AUTH_TOKEN_INVALIDInvalid auth token header. If problem persists, try re-log in.
H070HEADER_DW_CUSTOMER_NOT_FOUNDDW custom userID header not found. This header is required for this operation.
H075HEADER_DW_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUNDDW custom accountID header not found. This header is required for this operation.
H080HEADER_BEARER_TOKEN_ALGORITHM_MISSING_INVALIDAlgorithm in bearer token is missing/invalid.
H081HEADER_BEARER_TOKEN_ISSUER_MISSING_INVALIDIssuer in bearer token is missing/invalid.
H082HEADER_BEARER_TOKEN_ENVIRONMENTS_MISSING_INVALIDAllowed environments in bearer token are missing/invalid.
H085HEADER_BEARER_TOKEN_WEB_KEY_NOT_FOUNDUnable to retrieve web key from token key ID.
H090HEADER_BEARER_TOKEN_INVALIDBearer token is invalid.
H100HEADER_BEARER_TOKEN_ERRORBearer token error. Contact tech support.

Instrument Errors

Error CodeError ResponseError Description
I012INSTRUMENT_INVALID_TYPEInvalid instrument type.
I013INSTRUMENT_INVALID_ORDER_SIZEInvalid order size(min/max/step).
I014INSTRUMENT_MISSING_SYMBOLSymbol is required when updating the instrument image.
I015INSTRUMENT_UPDATE_FORBIDDENSome fields of an instrument can not be updated.
I016INSTRUMENT_GROUP_INVALID_TYPEInvalid instrument group type.
I017INSTRUMENT_GROUP_INVALID_STATUSInvalid instrument group status.
I018INSTRUMENT_GROUP_INVALID_IDInvalid instrument group ID.
I019INSTRUMENT_GROUP_INVALID_SYMBOLSInvalid symbol(s) in the request body.
I050INSTRUMENT_NOT_FOUNDThe instrument(s) you were trying to retrieve was not found.

Idempotency Errors

Error CodeError ResponseError Description
IK010IDEMPOTENCY_KEY_INVALID_LENGTHIdempotency Key too short. Must be at least 16 characters.
IK025IDEMPOTENCY_KEY_BAD_TOKENError in processing idempotency request token. Contact support.
IK075IDEMPOTENCY_KEY_RESPONSE_ERRORSomething went wrong in retrieving cached response. Aborting with error response.

Bank Account Errors

Error CodeError ResponseError Description
K050BANK_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUNDBank account temporarily disabled or not found. Contact customer support.
K075BANK_ACCOUNT_INVALIDInvalid bank account for this operation. Contact customer support if this persists.
K100BANK_ACCOUNT_ERRORBank account error.
K110BANK_ACCOUNT_INVALID_PLAID_TOKENPlaid processor token provided is invalid.

Login Errors

Error CodeError ResponseError Description
L010LOGIN_2FA_MISSINGMissing Two Factor Authentication information.
L011LOGIN_2FA_TYPE_SELECTIONMissing or invalid 2FA type selection.
L015LOGIN_PHONE_NUMBER_NOT_VALIDPhone number format not recognized. Use email verification or contact customer support.
L019LOGIN_MISSING_TEMP_CODEMissing temp code. Provide a valid temp code issued at log in.
L020LOGIN_INVALID_TEMP_CODEInvalid temp code. Please log in again.
L022LOGIN_NULL_TEMP_CODETemp code has already been used or was never issued. Please log in again.
L024LOGIN_NO_HEARTBEATAuth Token expired due to inactivity. Please log in again.
L025LOGIN_EXPIREDAuth Token expired. Please log in Again.
L050LOGIN_INVALIDInvalid Credentials.
L065LOGIN_INVALID_TOKENInvalid auth token. Please log in again.
L070LOGIN_2FA_REQUIREDTwo factor authentication required for login. Re-login via 2FA.
L075LOGIN_LOGGED_OUTUser already logged out. Please log in again.
L090LOGIN_AUTH_FAILURESomething went wrong in trying to retrieve your auth token. Please log in again.
L100LOGIN_FAILURELogin Failure.

Managed Account Errors

Error CodeError ResponseError Description
M010MANAGED_ACCOUNT_INVALIDThe riaID is not valid or not active.
M011MANAGED_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_INVALIDThe accountID/accountNo does not belong to the master account.
M012MANAGED_ACCOUNT_INVALID_CASH_TRANSFERThe riaID is not valid for transferring cash from/to sub account.

Instant Funding Errors

Error CodeError ResponseError Description
N010INSTANT_FUNDING_NO_ACCOUNTInstant funding account not set. Contact administrator.
N015INSTANT_FUNDING_EXISTING_ACCOUNTInstant funding account already exists. Contact administrator.
N020INSTANT_FUNDING_ACCOUNT_INACTIVEInstant funding account is disabled. Contact administrator.
N030INSTANT_FUNDING_INVALID_AMOUNTInvalid amount for deposit.
N050INSTANT_FUNDING_NO_FUNDSInstant funding threshold reached. Contact administrator.
N050INSTANT_FUNDING_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDSInsufficient funds in IFA account. Contact administrator.
N060FUND_INVALID_FUND_TYPEInvalid fund type.
N100INSTANT_FUNDING_ERRORThere was an error in processing the instant money movement request.

Order Errors

Error CodeError ResponseError Description
O005ORDER_INVALID_ORDER_TYPEInvalid order type.
O006ORDER_INVALID_ORDER_SIDEInvalid order side.
O010ORDER_INVALID_STOP_REQUESTIncomplete stop order. One or more parameters may be missing or invalid.
O011ORDER_INVALID_LIMIT_REQUESTIncomplete limit order. One or more parameters may be missing or invalid.
O012ORDER_INVALID_MARKET_REQUESTInvalid market order. One or more parameters may be missing or invalid.
O015ORDER_EITHER_QTY_OR_CASHInvalid order. Enter one from amount OR order quantity.
O016ORDER_INVALID_ORDER_METHODInvalid order method.
O017ORDER_INVALID_MIT_REQUESTIncomplete marketIfTouched order. One or more parameters may be missing or invalid.
O018ORDER_INVALID_TIF_REQUESTInvalid Time In Force. One or more parameters may be missing or invalid.
O019ORDER_INVALID_EXPIRATION_REQUESTInvalid order expiration. One or more parameters may be missing or invalid.
O050ORDER_NOT_FOUNDRequested order resource was not found.
O098ORDER_ACCOUNT_ERROROrders can only be placed on open accounts.
O099ORDER_ERRORThere was an error processing your order.
O123ORDER_EXPIREDThe order has expired.
O124DIVIDENDSThe corporate action was canceled, specifically dividends.

Permissions Errors

Error CodeError ResponseError Description
P020PERMISSIONS_NO_PERMISSIONSNo permissions have been assigned to this user. Contact your administrator.
P045PERMISSIONS_GROUP_ID_NOT_FOUNDThere was an error retrieving your permission group. If problem persists, contact your administrator.
P050PERMISSION_NOT_FOUNDRequested/assigned permission not found. Contact your administrator.
P075PERMISSIONS_UNAUTHORIZEDUser does not have permissions to perform this operation. Contact your administrator.
P087PERMISSIONS_RESOURCE_PARENTIB_NOT_ASSIGNEDNo parentIB assigned to the resource entity. Contact your administrator.
P088PERMISSIONS_BO_PARENTIB_NOT_ASSIGNEDNo parentIB assigned to the back office user. Contact your administrator.
P090PERMISSIONS_PARENTIB_NO_MATCHThe operator user and the operated resource do not belong to the same organization. Contact your administrator.

Reports Errors

Error CodeError ResponseError Description
R010REPORT_INVALID_DATEInvalid date.There are no reports available for the date(s) provided.
R011REPORT_FUTURE_DATEDate in future.There are no reports available for the date(s) provided.

Records Errors

Error CodeError ResponseError Description
S100SEARCH_NO_RECORDS_FOUNDNo records were found for the given search criteria. Modify your search and try again.

Product Errors

Error CodeError ResponseError Description
T010PRODUCT_RIA_ID_INVALID_MISSINGThe riaID of product is missing or invalid.
T011PRODUCT_TYPE_INVALID_MISSINGA required type of product is missing or invalid.
T012PRODUCT_FUND_ID_INVALID_MISSINGA required fundID of product is missing or invalid.
T013PRODUCT_OVERWEIGHT_ERRORA total weight of product is over 100%.
P050PRODUCT_NOT_FOUNDThe product you were trying to retrieve was not found.

Quotes Errors

Error CodeError ResponseError Description
Q050QUOTES_NOT_FOUNDThe quote you were trying to retrieve is not available.
Q100QUOTES_ERRORThere was an error in retrieving quotes.

User Errors

Error CodeError ResponseError Description
U010USERNAME_NOT_UNIQUEThe username already exists.
U025USER_INVALID_MISSING_PARAMETERInvalid or missing required parameter on the user. Refer to the API documentation for details.
U040USER_INFO_DOCUMENT_MISSINGA required document for the specified user or account type is missing incomplete.
U045USER_NO_KYCThe user is not in the KYC Queue.
U050USER_NOT_FOUNDThe user you were trying to retrieve was not found. Please check the User ID and try again.
U060USER_NO_PARENTIB_SETUser does not have a parentIB set. Contact your administrator.
U062USER_INVALID_PARENTIB_SETUnable to find parentIB associated with the user. Contact your administrator.
U064USER_NO_REFERRER_PARENTIB_SETReferrer does not have a parentIB set. Contact your administrator.
U065USER_INVALID_REFERRER_PARENTIB_SETUnable to find parentIB associated with the referrer. Contact your administrator.
U070USER_NO_PRIVILEGESUser does not have permissions to access this information. Contact your administrator.
U072USER_NO_ACCESSUser is not allowed to access this resource.
U075USER_UNABLE_RETRIEVEUnable to validate the user associated with the log in information.
U080USER_INVALID_ID_NOThe specified identification value is not appropriate for the specified Citizenship.
U090USER_MISSING_INFORMATIONUser is missing required information to process this request.
U100USER_ERRORThere was an error in retrieving the user.
U101USER_ERRORUser's info has not been submitted for KYC.
U102USER_PENDINGUser's info required.
U103USER_KYC_PENDINGKYC verification failed.
U104USER_INFO_REQUIREDUser is waiting for approval.
U105USER_REJECTEDThere was an error in processing the deposit request.
U106USER_PENDING_APPROVALUser is waiting for approval.

Payment Errors

Error CodeError ResponseError Description
Y025PAYMENT_NOT_ALLOWEDUnable to initiate/authorize payment.
Y044PAYMENT_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT_BELOW_MINIMUMDeposit does not meet the required minimum amount.
Y050PAYMENT_REDEMPTION_NOT_FOUNDThe redemption you were trying to retrieve was not found.
Y051PAYMENT_DEPOSIT_NOT_FOUNDThe deposit you were trying to retrieve was not found.
Y060PAYMENT_RECURRING_DETAILS_NOT_FOUNDThe recurring deposit details were not found.
Y075PAYMENT_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCEThe redemption amount is more than the cash available.
Y099PAYMENT_DEPOSIT_ERRORThe redemption you were trying to retrieve was not found.

KYC Document Errors

Error CodeError ResponseError Description
K001AGE_VALIDATIONThe age calculated from the documents date of birth point is greater than or equal to the minimum accepted age set at the account level
K002POOR_PHOTO_QUALITY"Poor photo quality. ID may be too dark, damaged, blurry, cut off, or have a glare"
K003POOR_DOC_QUALITY"Abnormal document quality. ID may have obscured data points, obscured security features, a corner removed, punctures, or watermarks obscured by digital text overlay"
K004SUSPECTED_DOCUMENT_FRAUDTampering and forgery found on the document
K005INCORRECT_SIDEThe incorrect side of the document had been uploaded. Choose the correct side of the document and re-upload
K006NO_DOC_IN_IMAGE"No document was found in the image, or there is a blank image"
K007TWO_DOCS_UPLOADEDTwo different documents were submitted as the same document type
K008EXPIRED_DOCUMENTDocument is expired or invalid format of expiry date
K009MISSING_BACKThe back of the document is missing
K010UNSUPPORTED_DOCUMENTDocument is not supported
K011DOB_NOT_MATCH_ON_DOCThe DOB listed on the customer’s ID is not the same DOB listed on the customer’s application
K012NAME_NOT_MATCH_ON_DOCThe Name on the the customer’s ID is not the same Name listed on the customer’s application
K050INVALID_DOCUMENTUnable to process your document. File is corrupted and can't be opened.

KYC Non-Document Errors

Error CodeError ResponseError Description
K101ADDRESS_NOT_MATCHNo match found for address or invalid format in address
K102SSN_NOT_MATCHNo match found for Social Security Number
K103DOB_NOT_MATCHNo match found for Date of Birth
K104NAME_NOT_MATCHNo match found for firstName / lastName or invalid characters found
K106SANCTION_WATCHLISTUser is under sanction watch list
K107SANCTION_OFACUser is found in OFAC SDN list
K108INVALID_PHONE_NUMBERThe phone number listed on the customer’s application is not a valid number of digits for a phone number
K109INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESSThe emailID listed on the customer’s application is not valid or unable to verify in watch list.
K110INVALID_NAME_TOO_LONGThe first name or last name listed on the customer's application is not valid. First name or last name should not be greater than 36 characters.
K111UNSUPPORTED_COUNTRYThe KYC is not supported in the country.
K801AGED_ACCOUNTKYC is not verified by user within 30 days
K802ACCOUNT_INTEGRITYAccount information provided may not be legitimate and/or is being used by multiple account holders
U999UNKNOWNUnrecognized error

Bars Errors

Error CodeError ResponseError Description
B100INVALID_REQUEST_FOR_DAILY_BARSThe number of bars requested has exceeded the maximum allowed of 10 Years for Daily bars.
B100INVALID_REQUEST_FOR_ONE_MINUTE_BARSThe number of bars requested has exceeded the maximum allowed of 1 Month for 1 minute bars.
B100INVALID_REQUEST_FOR_FIVE_MINUTES_BARSThe number of bars requested has exceeded the maximum allowed of 2 Months for 5 minutes bars.
B100INVALID_REQUEST_FOR_THIRTY_MINUTES_BARSThe number of bars requested has exceeded the maximum allowed of 1 Year for 30 minutes bars.
B100INVALID_REQUEST_FOR_ONE_HOUR_BARSThe number of bars requested has exceeded the maximum allowed of 2 Years for 1 hour bars.
B100INVALID_REQUEST_FOR_WEEKLY_BARSThe number of bars requested has exceeded the maximum allowed of 20 Years for Weekly bars.
OT002ONE_TICK_BARS_REQUEST_EXCEEDEDThe Number of Bars request has exceeded the maximum allowed Bars.
OT003OTHER_ONE_TICK_ERRORSUnable to retrieve bars data.