Rate limits

DriveWealth imposes rate limits via the dw-client-app-key which is an integrator's unique identifier. Production and Sandbox have different limited read below for more details.


In order to protect sandbox stability DriveWealth imposes a rate limit of 5 requests per second. It's common for partners to prepare for production style events by load testing their systems, with the DriveWealth API running in sandbox as part of it. We generally discourage this practice without notification to DriveWealth because API limits are lower in sandbox, so the load test is likely to hit limits that it wouldn't hit in production.


As of: January 1, 2022

DriveWealth imposes rate limits on specific endpoints that are high latency/low throughput, or those that otherwise don't make sense to be called numerous times per second. The below table defines these limits:

EndPointLimit (requests per second)
GET /auth2
GET, PATCH /users/{userID}100
GET /users/{userID}/kyc-status10
GET /users/{userID}/accounts5
GET /users/{userID}/documents5
GET /documents/{documentID}/url5
GET /accounts/search5
GET /accounts/{accountID}/violations5
GET /accounts/transfer100
GET /countries5
GET /instruments/{instrumentID}15